Ionică Bizău

regex-parser@1.0.0 is released

Sometimes I need to parse strings as regular expressions. For example, having a string like "/hello world/gi", it should be converted into a real regular expression: /hello world/gi.

For doing this, I built a Node.JS module, named regex-parser, that parses such strings. I'm happy to announce the first stable release.

You can download it via git or npm:

# From GitHub, using git
$ git clone node-regex-parser
$ cd node-regex-parser
$ npm install

# From NPM
$ npm install regex-parser@1.0.0

To convert a string into a regex you need to do:

var RegexParser = require("regex-parser");
console.log(RegexParser("/hello world/gi")); // => /hello world/gi

For full documentation and how to run tests you can visit the project GitHub page.

Have feedback on this article? Let @IonicaBizau know on Twitter.

Have any questions? Feel free to ping me on Twitter.